We are having our awards night on February 10th, 6PM TO 7PM. All parents, families and friends are welcome.
The Brigade band meets on Tuesday evening from 6pm to 7pm for members aged 8 plus. It has been encouraging to see new members join and al...
The Juniors had a great time making Rice Crispies Easter Egg Cakes this week. See gallery for photo
On Saturday 7th October the Juniors, Company and Seniors had a sleepover for the 140th BB celebrations. 1st Lye came and joined us for an...
We have closed for the Summer break and will reopen on Monday 11th September. See you soon
Since we restarted our new session we have been busy with lots of activities. We have had a pizza night in which all the Boys enjoyed mak...
We restart on Monday 6th September. Looking forward to having a more of a normal session after the COVID restrictions stopped us meeting...
We have now got a zoom account that has enabled us to have more people online and unlimited time. The Zoom sessions will start in Decembe...
We have been closed since the beginning of the lockdown which started in March which meant all the activities, events and camps had to be...
The Boys' Brigade week 2 packs are now available for our sections. Just have a look at the BB at Home page and follow the links for your...